prizes / competitions

prizes / competitions

Winner of the Indigo Dreams Spring Poetry Competition 2024

Winner of the Live Canon Pamphlet Competition 2023

Winner of the Write By The Sea Literary Festival Poetry Prize 2022

3rd Prize in the Goldsmith Festival Poetry Competition 2024

Finalist in the Write Bloody Full-Length Collection Competition 2022

Finalist in the Live Canon Pamphlet Competition 2022

Shortlisted (and published) for the Spectrum Identity Anthology Competition, Renard Press, 2022

Shortlisted (and published) for the Live Canon International Poetry Prize 2023

Shortlisted (and published) for the Hammond House International Literary Prize 2023

Shortlisted for the Hexham Poetry Prize 2023

Commended in the Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2022

Selected for the Ver Prize 2023

Longlisted for the Fish Poetry Prize 2023

Longlisted (and published) for the Live Canon International Poetry Prize 2022

Longlisted in the Indigo Autumn Poetry Prize 2022